Advantages And Disadvantages Of Special Purpose Software

The theme of thelesson:Advantages and disadvantagesof computers

Top 10 Advantages of computer and Disadvantages. You may also get Computer advantages and disadvantages for students. When we are enjoying the benefits of Internet, how many of us are aware of the flip side of that coin? To maximize Internet's merits, both its advantages and disadvantages should be paid attention to. Advantages of Custom Written Software The software meets the need of the user specifically The software can grow with the company Business owners can relieve the stress placed on over.

LessonAuthor:Aktanova AyaulimAmanzholovna


Time allotted forlesson:45 minute

Lexical area:Computer

The aim of thelesson:

1.To give knowledge on thistheme and to learn how to prove their opinion;

2.Тo bring up pupils to respecteach other;

3. To develop interest inEnglish and computer science;


  • Listening skill: to givepractice in listening for attitude and purpose

  • Speaking skills: to introducestudents to language for making suggestions andrecommendations

Lesson Type:

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Special Purpose SoftwareSpecial

Showing video withspeaking


  • critical thinking

  • integrated learning


  • Hand out materials (Worksheet)


  • Slides with photos of computer andactivities;

  • Worksheets;


  • Computers;

  • Active board;

  • Digital camera;


  • In the speaking tasks, somestudents may naturally be more reticent and so speak less thanothers in the group.

Instructional Procedure of thelesson

  1. Warm up. (2minutes)

  2. Showing video (10 minutes)

  3. Checking up the home task (5minutes)

  4. Vocabulary builder (1minute)

  5. Doing exercise (3minutes)

  6. Reading text (5 minutes)

  7. Provide for Practice - Debate(5 minutes)

  8. Work in pairs and prove youropinionsinEnglish

ProvideFeedback (9 minutes)

  1. Conclusion (3minutes)

  2. Home task (2minutes)

    1. Warm up.

- Good morning! How are you?I am so nice to see you. I believe nobody is absent.

Today we’ve gotdemonstrative lesson. The theme of our lesson is “Advantages anddisadvantages of computers”. As for me it is very interestingtheme.

Answerthe questions: Slide 3

  • Do you have a computer athome? If so, what is it?

  • Do you use computers atschool?

  • What do you use themfor?

  • What software are youfamiliar with?

  • Do you use e-mail? If sowhat is your e-mail address?

  • Do you use the Internet? Ifso, what are some of your favourite websites?

2.Showing the video about the origin of computer.10minutes

3.Checking up thehomework:retelling about the Internet,Internet and modern life, The future of the Internet, Computers,Microsoft Company, The history of computer development. Pupilsfound these resources from the Internet.

  1. The new lexics: Slide4,5.


Systemblock [‘sistem ‘blok]жүйелік блок


Software[‘soft’wεә]бағдарламаны қамтамасыз етуші - аксессуар



Hard diskdriver [‘ha:d ‘disk ‘draivә]диск

Floppydisk driver [‘flopi ‘disk ‘draivә]дискета

Mouse pad[‘maus ‘pæd]тышқанға арналғанкілемше

5.Doing exercise.Let’s do the exercise:Fill each gap with a suitable word. Slide 6.

1.If you want to get online,you have to ______ your computer to a phone line using amodem.

2.You can ______ a lot ofinformation from the Internet onto your own computer, but it cantake a lot of time.

3. There was a warning onthe news this morning about a new computer ______ that attackse-mail. If you open a message called ‘April Showers’, it destroysall your e-mail contacts.

4. A: Have you _______ youre-mail today?

B: No, I haven’t.

A: Well, I ______ you ane-mail this morning. You’d better have a look.

5.I spend ages just ______different websites.

6. It may depend on the_______ engine you are using.

7. My new e-mail address is:janebriggs_______aol_______com.

Slide7. Answers: 1.connect, 2. download, 3.virus, 4. checked, sent, 5. browsing, 6. search, 7. at,dot.

6.Reading a text

Exercise 12 page63

Look atthe slide 8. He is Erlan. He has got a computer and he has got someproblems with his computer. You can use Erlan’s problems asarguments in debate.

7. Debate - Slide 9, 10,11.

You maybe right and may be wrong but with an effort, together we may getnearer the truth”
Karl Popper

How must we prove ouropinion?

  1. Resolution – The theme:Advantages and disadvantages of computers

  2. Definition – to givedefinition for unfamiliar words

  3. You must say the problem ofthe theme

  1. Argument 1

  2. Argument 2

  3. Argument 3

4.Conclusion: it can be a proverb or an advice.


  • In my opinion –Меніңойымша

  • I think– Менойлаймын

  • Frankly speaking– Шынымдыайтсам

  • It seems to me–Менінше, ......

  • I guess– Менойлаймын

  • To tell thetruth– Шынымдыайтсам

  • I’m of the sameopinion– Мен де солпікірдeмін

  • That’s just what I was goingto say– Менің айтқым келген нәрсемдәл осы


Advantages And Disadvantages Of Special Purpose Software Design

  • My point of view is somewhatdifferent from yours– Менің көзқарасым сізбен сайкелмейді.

  • I am firmly opposed to thepoint of view that …- Мен бұл пікірге толығыменқарсымын

  • I couldn’t say forsure– Мен айтаалмаймын

  • Impossible- Мүмкінемес

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Special Purpose Software Development

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Special Purpose Software

8.Work in pairs and prove your opinions in English. Slide13.




In my opinion we needcomputers for getting a lot of information.

Frankly speaking with the helpof computer we do activities quickly.


My point of view is somewhatdifferent from yours because we get unuseful information, we mustget information from books.

I am firmly opposed to thepoint of view it’s bad for our health.



1.Whatkind of words do you know connected withcomputer?

Certainly, we’ve got advantages and disadvantages ofcomputers, but we can’t imagine our life without computer. Look atthis slide 14 and say advantages of computer. Slide 14, 15,16.

10.Homework:To write advantages anddisadvantages of the Internet; to learn by heart the new words.Slide 17.

Advantages and disadvantages of special purpose software examples

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Special Purpose Software

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Special Purpose Software Engineering

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